I had a Brother sewing machine that was really close to the same model as the one I have now. It lasted 18 years and was still going strong before the house fire. I was so happy with that one that I immediately went out and purchased another.
I got the Brother LS2125I almost 4 years ago. Lately I've been having problems with it. I use the zigzag stitch to finish seams on doll clothes. It's been acting so funky, clumping the thread.
I gave it a good cleaning and extra thorough oiling, new needle and still the stitch would not work right. I finally searched the internet and found the problem! I had the bobbin tension too tight! Simple as that.
The outfits I am working on right now are for swaps, so I can't post pix until the recipients receive them. I want to do a cute AG dress with some kitten fabric a friend gave me, so maybe tonight while dinner is cooking I can get the pieces cut stitch it up real quick!
I am sooooooo happy I got this problem figured out. I truly love this machine. Basic, no bells and whistles and a great bargain price! I have faith this one might last me another 18 years.