OK, my bad....Things have been really hectic here. Some good some bad and some horrific and I won't go into that.
I've been doing quite a bit of painting and knitting and sewing and home-schooling and.....raising puppies.
I have a few knitted things finished, like this PL1 sweater set in blue. I have a few finished waiting for the dreaded seaming/weaving in ends. One is a "quicky sweater", another is a sun suit with t-shirt in pink and white.
I also have a sock monkey ready to be stuffed and finished. He sports a blue and red striped t-shirt! E's a monkey headed for eBay.
I've been spending too much time playing with Paint Shop Pro learning animation.
Home-schooling is going well. Charlie procrastinates and hemms and haws. A friend was uncomfortable not knowing when would be a good time to stop by. I said that unlike my painting, we can stop our school time at any moment and resume again at any time during the day. Then I said, "It's sort of a "free range" kind of thing". We don't do the same subject everyday at the same time. If he feels like doing some science work first, fine. It's getting him to do the work.
Gotta get started on a busy busy Monday....maybe get that monkey done? He needs a hat and scarf and off to ebay that baby goes. He is a cutie-patootie.